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tamoadmin 2024-08-22
1.深圳旅游景点历史介绍英语 深圳旅游景点英文介绍2.故宫介绍旅游景点英语翻译 故宫介绍旅游景点英语翻译简短3.古城旅游景点介绍文案英语 古城旅游景点介绍文案英

1.深圳旅游景点历史介绍英语 深圳旅游景点英文介绍

2.故宫介绍旅游景点英语翻译 故宫介绍旅游景点英语翻译简短

3.古城旅游景点介绍文案英语 古城旅游景点介绍文案英语版


5.杭州的旅游景点英文介绍 杭州旅游景点英文名





Leshan Buddha, also known as Lingyun Buddha, is located at Lingyun Temple on the East Bank of Nanminjiang River in Leshan City, Sichuan Province. It is near the confluence of Dadu River,

Qingyi River and Minjiang River. The Great Buddha is a sitting statue of Maitreya Buddha. It is 71 meters high. It is the largest stone statue on a cliff in China.

Leshan Buddha was excated in the first year of Kaiyuan in Tang Dynasty (713), and completed in the nineth year of Zhenyuan (803), which lasted about ninety years.

Leshan Grand Buddha Scenic Spot, which consists of Leshan Grand Buddha, Lingyun Mountain, Wuyou Mountain and Huge Crouching Buddha, belongs to the national 5A-level tourist attraction and is a part of the world cultural and natural heritage Emeishan-Leshan Grand Buddha.

On October 8, 2018, the Jiuqu Trestle Road of Leshan Grand Buddha Scenic Area was closed before construction began. On April 1, 2019, the preliminary research and survey on rescue protection of the damaged area of Leshan Grand Buddha in Sichuan Province,

which lasted nearly half a year, ended. Leshan Grand Buddha officially "left the customs", and the Jiuqu Trestle Road and the Buddha foot sightseeing platform of the scenic area were reopened.




乐山大佛和凌云山、乌尤山、巨形卧佛等景点组成的乐山大佛景区属于国家5A级旅游景区, 是世界文化与自然双重遗产峨眉山-乐山大佛的组成部分。

2018年10月8日,乐山大佛景区九曲栈道处已经开始施工前打围封闭。 2019年4月1日,历时近半年的四川乐山大佛残损区域抢救性保护前期研究及勘测工作结束,乐山大佛正式“出关”,景区的九曲栈道和佛脚观光平台重新开放。





The city of Leshan is less than one hour's ride from the Baoguosi Monastery at the foot of Mt.Emei.Leshan is the home of the Giant Buddha at the conflueence of the Min,Dadu and Qingyi rivers.It qualifies as the largest Buddha in a sitting posture in the world .You must board a riverboat for the best view of the Giant Buddha.The massive Buddha was carved out of a cliff face more than a thousand years ago, but now it is still well preserved in good shape, with his full and serene face.

The Buddha is the largest Buddha in China,towering to 71m,with his 14.7m head,and 24m shoulders.The Buddha's ears are 6.72m long, insteps 8.5m broad, and a picnic could be conducted on the nail of his big toe, which is 1.5m long.

This carving project was begun in 713.Each summer at that time the Min,Dadu and Qingyi rivers flowed down.As the ghree rivers met,turbu-lent wes strucd each other hard,boats capsized and boatmen vanished.There was a Buddhist monkby the name of Haitong in Lingyun Hill,who saw the situation and was determined to carve a giant Buddha out of the cliff face, hoping that the Buddha's presence would subdue the swift currents and protect the boatmen .Haitong started trelling along the Changjiang river and other areas in China to collect funds for the gigantic carving. Once an evil official attempted to oain by force the money collected by Haitong.The monk refused him in strong terms.He said,"I'd rather gouge out my eyes than give a penny to you,"The official shouted in anger,"gouge your eye out now!"Haitong resolutely dug out one of his eyes.

The monk's behior in protecting the funding so greatly encouraged sculptors and other construction workers that the carving work went on smoothly. Unfortunately Haitong died before the completion of his life's work .However, this work continued due to the support of the local people as well as Weigao and Zhangchou Jianqing,the local top military commanders. The word took up 90 years until 803 when it was completed.Since then the Buddha has watched over the river traffic for more than a thousand years to offset the large number of serious accidents in the river. Modern Chinese question whether safer boat grel is due to his presence or to sime later-day dredging.

As you get close to the Buddha,we can find out some scattered holes im rows around the Buddha.They are remains of so Called the Giant Buddha Pilion . It was a nine-storied building set up during the Tang Dynasty to shelter the Buddha.It was renamed as the Lingyun Pilion with 13 stories during the Song Dynasty. Unfortunately it was destroyed by a war during the Ming Dynasty. Since then the Buddha remains outside in the open space.

The Giant Buddha has lasted over a thousand years, and still survives in good shape.Why? First of all, according to the studies on the ancient construction of the Buddha,the cliff face the Buddha occupies enjoys topographical advantages. It is on the southern side of the hill,where verdant trees grow so well as to protect rocks and slope from erosion.Secondly although the Buddha seats bordering on the confluence of the three rivers, the immense statue is carved into the cliff face inside the hill,which alleviate the severe damage by wind and water erosion.Finally there is a water-drainage system,hidden from view.The system starts with 1021 fastened hairs, which conect one another at the bace of the bead .The end of the hairs inter-links the shoulders,joining the simple-patterned robe pleats carved on the body.The hairs,shoulders and pleats naturally reveal a complete system that carries away the entire surface water on the body, where the water disears underground.It is worth making several passes at the Buddha.From the ferry pier on the island,you climba steep road and through Lingyun Temple to a vantage point for viewing the buddha.You can go to the top,opposite the head, and then descend a short zigzag stairway carved into the cliff to the feet for the top,oppoosite the head,and then descend a short zigzag stairway carved into the cliff to the feet for the different perspective viwepoints.A local boat passes by for a frontal view, which reveals two guardians in the cliff side, not visible from land,Wuyou Buddhist Monastery can be reached in 15 minutes by footpath from the Buddha,which is also from the Tang Dynasty with Ming and Qing renovations,Its layout is very similar to the other monasteries as we mentioned before.Walking along up Wuyou Hill,you can enjoy the quiet and beartiful scenery, The top of Wuyou Hill affords you a vision of an emerald-green tree forest, glazed golden tiles of the monastery roofs and the distant rivers.

It would be a mistake to thind of Leshan as one big Buddha, but it is worth making a trip to Leshan,which will provide you with a pleasant picture made by the ancient Chinese sites and the beautiful nature being combined into a whole.











现在,大家登山了山顶,一定发现了在我背后有一座佛像,不错,这就是驰名中外的乐山大佛,这大佛,有71米长。这 这里,被人们称为A4级风景区,古有”上朝峨眉,下朝凌云“之说。么高的大佛,你们知道是谁建造的吗?就让我揭开谜底吧!



原来那名男子叫石青 ,是一个石匠,看海通救了自己,就和海通和其他一些劳动人民一起动手,在上面雕刻了在古今中外鼎鼎有名的乐山大佛。




1、龙潭溶洞(Longtan ce):


2、九寨沟(Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area):


3、剑门关(Jianmen Pass Beauty Spot):


4、乐山大佛(Leshan Giant Buddha):


5、峨眉山(Mount Emei):



乐山大佛地处四川省乐山市,岷江、青衣江、大渡河三江汇流处,与乐山城隔江相望。乐山大佛雕凿在岷江、青衣江、大渡河汇流处岩壁上,依岷江南岸凌云山栖霞峰临江峭壁凿造而成,又名凌云大佛,为弥勒佛坐像,是唐代摩岩造像的艺术精品之一,是世界上最大的石刻弥勒佛坐像。 Sichuan leshan giant Buddha is located in leshan, minjiang river, tsing yi jiang, dadu river sanjiang the confluence at the leshan city and the pearl river. Leshan giant Buddha carved in minjiang river, tsing yi jiang, dadu river HuiLiuChu the rock, minjiang river in southern LingYunShan qixia peak cliff made from the river cut, another name for more Buddha, symbolizes the tang dynasty, is MaYan yuangang images of fine arts is one of the world's largest stone carvings of yuangang symbolizes.

深圳旅游景点历史介绍英语 深圳旅游景点英文介绍



Mount Tai, one of the five famous mountains in China, is located in the central part of Shandong Province, between Tai'an, Jinan and Zibo, with a total area of 242,000 hectares.

The main peak, Yuhuangding, is 1545 meters above sea level and has a magnificent momentum. It is known as "the first mountain in the world".


Mount Tai was regarded by the ancients as a "heen leading directly to the throne" and became a god mountain worshipped by the people and sacrificed by the emperor. There is a saying that "Mount Tai is safe and all the seas are safe".


From the beginning of Qin Shihuang to Qing Dynasty, 13 emperors successively visited Mount Tai to offer sacrifices to Buddhism or Buddhism, and another 24 emperors sent officials to offer sacrifices 72 times.


Mount Tai is the symbol of the Chinese nation, the epitome of the Oriental culture, the place where the thought of "harmony between man and nature" is based, and the home of the spirit of the Chinese nation.












Taishan Mountain is located in the central of Shandong Province. In ancient time, it was called Mt. Daishan or Mt.Daizong and was renamed Taishan Mountain during the Spring and Autumn Period, that was 770-476B.C.

Taishan Mountain was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1987.The total area of the mountain is 426 square kilometers with a circumference of 80 kilometers.

The main peak, Jade Emperor Peak, rising 1,545 meters above sea level, is at the north of Tai'an city. The mountain is an early birthplace of China's ancient civilization and the area around was one of ancient China's political, economic and cultural centers. In history, there were total 72 emperors from Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties who built temples on it.

After Qin Shihuang (246-209 B.C.), numerous emperors and scholars from various historical periods went to Taishan Mountain, which accounts for the large quantity of precious cultural relics.

Taishan Mountain has 72 majestic peaks, magnificent waterfalls, centuries-old pines and cypresses and fascinating rocks. There are five tourist zones and two routes up the mountain-one in the east and one in the west.

They meet at Zhongtian Gate and there are 6,293 steps in the nine kilometers leading to the top. Scenic spots include Longtan Reservoir, Zhongtian Gate, Five-Doctor Pine, Duansong Hill, 18 Turns, South Gate to Heen, Bixia Tekmple, Zhanglu Terrace, Sun-Watching Peak, Moon-Watching Peak.

The four wonders of the mountain are Sun Rises from the East, Golden Belt Along the Yellow River, Beautiful Sunset and the Sea of Clouds. Other attractive spots are the Rare Rock Dock, Fan Cliff, Aolai Peak, Black Dragon Pool, Longevity Bridge, and the Dragon Pool Waterfall.

Running from Songshan Valley to the South Gate to Heen, on the top of Danshan Hill, is a path with 18 turns called Ladder to Heen. Although the path is little more than one

kilometer long it rises 400 meters. The steps along the path are made of Tianshan schist. There is now a cable car from Zhongtian Gate to the top of Wangfu Hill.

Taishan Mountain is one of China's mountain parks and is a natural museum of history and art. Along its axis there are 1,800 stone sculptures including famous ones such as the Carved Road from the Qin dynasty, the Buddhist Diamond Sutra in Sutra Stone Valley, the Wordless Stone Tablet and the Scripture of Taishan Mountain History carved on Tangmo Cliff.

Tiankuang Hall in the Daimiao Temple which is also on Taishan Mountain is one of the three great halls of China the other two are the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City, Beijing , and Dacheng Hall in Qufu.

The 40 statues of arhat in the Thousand-Buddha Hall of the Lingyan Temple date to the Song Dynasty and are prized for their individuality and expressiveness.




















自秦始皇开始到清代,先后有13代帝王引次亲登泰山封禅或祭祀,另外有24代帝王遣官祭祀72次。泰山代表景点有阴阳界、桃花峪、傲徕峰、玉皇顶。接下来是我为大家整理的关于介绍泰山的 导游词 英语 作文 ,方便大家阅读与鉴赏!


Hello, everyone. Welcome to Mount Tai. I hope you can he a good time here.

First of all, let me give you an introduction to Mount Tai. Mount Tai is located in Tai'an City, Shandong Province. It is the first of the five mountains in China, the great symbol of the Chinese nation, and the epitome of the oriental cultural world. Mount Tai has been regarded as a symbol of national stability and national unity since ancient times. In ancient times, twelve emperors came to Mount Tai to confer Zen. Therefore, Mount Tai was the only famous mountain in China that had been granted Zen by the emperor. Even Confucius and Du Fu ascended Mount Tai one after another, leing some eternal quatrains.

Next, I'm going to show you around the holy mountain. We are now in Hongmen, the starting point for walking up the mountain. There are 666 steps from here to Nantianmen. This number is very auspicious, which means I wish all the best to my mountaineers. The road is about ten kilometers long and takes about four hours. Please look up. This stone square is a Tianmen gate. Mount Tai has three gates: yitianmen gate, Zhongtianmen gate and Nantianmen gate. "One" is the starting point of all things. If you cross this gate, you will enter the gate of heen. In front of this four column and three door archway, the inscription "Confucius' boarding place" was created to commemorate Confucius' coming here to Mount Tai and to express the feeling that "he is more fierce than a tiger in politics". On the way up the mountain, there is a very interesting word puzzle, which is "Er Chong". Many people don't understand what it is. In fact, these two words mean "boundless wind and moon", that is, remove the border of the traditional Chinese characters "Feng and Yue" to describe the blue and beautiful scenery around.

We've been walking for two hours. We're going to Zhongtianmen. The aerial passenger cableway runs from Zhongtianmen to Nantianmen with a total length of 2078m and a drop of 602m. Starting from Zhongtianmen and passing yunbuqiao, the five doctors came to the 18th plate after the pines. The 18 plates are divided into three 18 plates, slow 18, tight 18, not slow 18, with a total of 1633 steps. However, the three 18 plates are less than one kilometer long, with a vertical height of more than 400 meters.

Now we he climbed the steep 18 sets and finally arrived at Nantianmen. It's 1460 meters above sea level. If you enter Nantianmen, you will enter Tianting. This road is called Tianjie, which is the Tianshan Mountain in the world and also the heen and the earth. Bixia Yuanjun is in Bixia temple. When you go out of Bixia temple to the north, you can see the symbol of Mount Tai, which is "the only one of the five mountains". To the north, you can see the top of Mount Tai, Yuhuangding, which is 1545 meters above sea level. It has been Dengfeng platform since ancient times, which proves that emperors of all dynasties set up altars here to worship heen.

Friends, is the scenery of Mount Tai very beautiful? I hope you will come to Mount Tai with your friends and relatives next time.


Hello, everyone. Today we are going to visit the world famous Mount Tai.

Mount Tai, also known as "Daizong" and "Dongyue", is a world natural and cultural heritage, a World Geopark and a national 5A tourist attraction, with a total area of 24200 hectares. Yuhuangding, the main peak, is 1545 meters above sea level, known as "the first of the five mountains" and "the first mountain in the world".

In ancient times, Mount Tai was regarded as a heen "connecting to the throne" and became a sacred mountain worshipped by the people and worshipped by the emperor. There was a saying that "Mount Tai is safe and all the world is safe". From the beginning of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, there were 13 generations of emperors who went to Mount Tai to offer sacrifices, and another 24 generations of emperors sent officials to offer sacrifices 72 times. The ancient literati admired the magnificent scenery of Mount Tai and came here one after another to trel and write poems. Du Fu's Wangyue and other poems and essays he been handed

故宫介绍旅游景点英语翻译 故宫介绍旅游景点英语翻译简短



Dapeng Law Firm is located in Dapeng Town, Longgang District, east of Shenzhen City.


Founded in 1394 in the 27th year of hongwu of the Ming Dynasty, it covers an area of 110,000 square meters and is the only state-level key cultural relic protection unit in Shenzhen.



Lotus has an ancient holy name, known for its beauty and purity. Lianhua Mountain is located at the northern end of Shenzhen city center.


There is a statue of Deng Xiaoping in the square at the top of the hill.



Qiaocheng Fairview is located in the oct Scenic area in the west of Downtown Shenzhen, including theme parks such as "Fairview China", "Window of the World" and "Hy Valley".



The main peak of Wutong Mountain is 944 meters high, which is the first peak in the Pearl River Delta.


Xianhu botanical Garden, East Lake Park, forest park, sports park, etc., is one of the best spots for mountaineering and sightseeing.


Standing in the vicinity of Hero Slope, overlooking Hong Kong, Mirs Bay, Yantian Port and Sha Tau Kok in the morning light, the sky is broad and refreshing.


At the foot of the mountain, Hongfa Temple is the largest Buddhist temple in Shenzhen.



Dameisha beach is located by The Side of Dapeng Bay in Shenzhen city. The width of The mouth of Dameisha Bay is about 2000 meters and that of Xiaomeisha Bay is about 800 meters.


Sea sand yellow and white delicate, smooth soft, like a crescent Mosaic in the green mountains and blue sea, known as the "Oriental Hawaii."





the China Folk Culture Villages Shenzhen


Splendid China


the Shenzhen Safari Park


Window to the World


Hy Valley


Honey Lake


Shekou Sea World




Hi Tech Fair Exhibition Center


Shenzhen Convention Exhibition Center(缩写SZCEC)


Shenzhen is one of China's top tourist destinations, attracting millions of visitors each year. Its pleasant seashore and well-preserved forests he made up for its lack of stately mountains and rivers, and earned it the title of "International Garden City."

Another magnet comes from its theme parks, with a great variety of features ranging from folk culture to a retired aircraft carrier. Distinctive sceneries, fabulous shows and stunning experiences: the parks' charms never seem to fade.

And don't forget this is a modern metropolitan, where high-rise buildings and green space intermingle perfectly. It is a financial center, a transportation hub, and home to many first-rate hotels and restaurants. Here you will never fail to find a cuisine that arouses your etite and curiosity,

For tourists, this is a city of convenience, leisure and endless fun.

Theme Parks in the Overseas Chinese Town A magnet for tour groups, the Overseas Chinese Town (Hua Qiao Cheng) in Nanshan District features four distinctive theme parks sitting side by side. A monorail commutes around the parks in the area

Chinese Folk Culture Villages

Right next to Splendid China, the folk culture park dazzles with the histories and mysteries of the country's ethnic groups. Scattering around the 180,000-sqm park are 24 villages built in 1:1 ratio, inhabited by real ethnic people who present their traditional arts, customs, languages and cuisines. Traditional culture performances are held there every day. Like Splendid China, the park is also heily forested.

Hy Valley

This is a place for kids and families. Usually packed on weekends by families, the fun park offers more than 100 attractions ranging from the thrilling Space Shot to the lovely cartoon-themed

events. It also holds daily performances of various themes.

Window of the World

Like Splendid China, this 480,000-sqm park features more than 130 miniature replicas of scenic and cultural wonders. The difference is that these are landmarks from all over the world. Here you can find the Golden Gate Bridge and the Niagara Waterfall of the United States, the Kremlin of Russia, Italy's Pisa Tower, Egyptian pyramids, the Taj Mahal of India and an Eiffel Tower built in 1:3 ratio.

Although these replicas would probably not attract Western visitors much, the park's daily dance performance and regular carnival-like events are of great fun. Beautifully illuminated at night, it is also an impressive city scene


以下是一篇关于介绍深圳旅游景点的英语作文,可以介绍欢乐谷 锦绣中华,民俗文化村,世界之窗啊等等: Shenzhen is one of China's top tourist destinations, attracting millions of visitors each year. Its pleasant seashore and well-preserved forests he made


Shenzhen is one of China's top tourist destinations, attracting millions of visitors each year. Its pleasant seashore and well-preserved forests he made up for its lack of stately mountains and rivers, and earned it the title of "International Garden City."

Another magnet comes from its theme parks, with a great variety of features ranging from folk culture to a retired aircraft carrier. Distinctive sceneries, fabulous shows and stunning experiences: the parks' charms never seem to fade.

And don't forget this is a modern metropolitan, where high-rise buildings and green space intermingle perfectly. It is a financial center, a transportation hub, and home to many first-rate hotels and restaurants. Here you will never fail to find a cuisine that arouses your etite and curiosity,

For tourists, this is a city of convenience, leisure and endless fun.

Theme Parks in the Overseas Chinese Town A magnet for tour groups, the Overseas Chinese Town (Hua Qiao Cheng) in Nanshan District features four distinctive theme parks sitting side by side. A monorail commutes around the parks in the area

Chinese Folk Culture Villages

Right next to Splendid China, the folk culture park dazzles with the histories and mysteries of the country's ethnic groups. Scattering around the 180,000-sqm park are 24 villages built in 1:1 ratio, inhabited by real ethnic people who present their traditional arts, customs, languages and cuisines. Traditional culture performances are held there every day. Like Splendid China, the park is also heily forested.

Hy Valley

This is a place for kids and families. Usually packed on weekends by families, the fun park offers more than 100 attractions ranging from the thrilling Space Shot to the lovely cartoon-themed

events. It also holds daily performances of various themes.

Window of the World

Like Splendid China, this 480,000-sqm park features more than 130 miniature replicas of scenic and cultural wonders. The difference is that these are landmarks from all over the world. Here you can find the Golden Gate Bridge and the Niagara Waterfall of the United States, the Kremlin of Russia, Italy's Pisa Tower, Egyptian pyramids, the Taj Mahal of India and an Eiffel Tower built in 1:3 ratio.

Although these replicas would probably not attract Western visitors much, the park's daily dance performance and regular carnival-like events are of great fun. Beautifully illuminated at night, it is also an impressive city scene.

古城旅游景点介绍文案英语 古城旅游景点介绍文案英语版


The Palace Museum is located on city center in Peking.China is existing biggest, most integrity of thou building cluster.It is been one of five greatest temples in the world by the fame.

The Palace Museum start to set up in A.D.1406, the Palace Museum he the size courtyard more than 90s and the house contain 980 and add up to 8704.the Palace Museum surroundings surround 12 meters in height, long the Palace Museum wall of 3400 meters, form is one rectangular city defense, there is 52 meter wide moat outside the wall surround, formation a fortress of severe barracks.The Palace Museum has 4 doors, center door Wu door, east door Donghua door, west door Xihua door, north door Shengwu door.



Beijing Imperial Palace is a royal palace of Ming and Qing Dynasties in China, formerly known as the Forbidden City.

It is 961 meters long from north to south, 753 meters wide from east to west, surrounded by 10 meters high walls, and 52 meters wide moat outside the city. It is really a golden city.


The Forbidden City has four gates, the Meridian Gate in the south, the Shenwu gate in the north, the Donghua gate in the East and the Xihua gate in the West.

In the four corners of the city wall, there is a graceful turret. There are 72 ridges of nine beams and eigh columns in the folk, which describe the complexity of its structure.


The buildings in the Forbidden City are divided into two parts: the outer court and the inner court.

The center of the outer Dynasty is Taihe hall, Zhonghe hall and Baohe hall, collectively referred to as the three halls, which are the places where the state holds grand ceremonies.

The left and right wings of the three halls are supported by two groups of buildings: Wenhua hall and Wuying hall.


The center of the inner court is Qianqing palace, Jiaotai palace and Kunning palace, collectively referred to as the back three palaces, which are the main palace where the emperor and the empress live.

Then there is the imperial garden. There are six palaces in the East and West on both sides of the rear three palaces, which are the places where the empresses live and rest.


On the east side of the six Eastern Palaces is the temple of heen and other Buddhist buildings, and on the west side of the six Western palaces is the main hall and other Buddhist buildings.

Besides the outer court and inner court, there are two parts of buildings, namely, the outer East Road and the outer West Road.








The Palace Museum, formerly known as the Forbidden City, is the imperial palace of China's Ming and Qing dynasties, located at the center of Beijing's central axis.

The Palace Museum in Beijing, with three main halls as the center, covers an area of about 720,000 square meters, with a building area of about 150,000 square meters.

The Construction of the Forbidden City in Beijing began in the fourth year of Yongle (1406) and was completed in the 18th year of Yongle (1420).

The Imperial Palace is arranged along a north-south axis, along which the three main halls, the latter three palaces and the imperial garden are located. And spread out to both sides, north and south straight, left and right symmetry.

The Palace city is surrounded by 12 meters high and 3400 meters long palace wall, in the form of a rectangular city, surrounded by 52 meters wide moat outside the wall, forming a fortified castle.

The Palace Museum has four gates. The main gate is called the Meridian Gate. Behind the meridian Gate are five marble arch Bridges leading to the Gate of Supreme Harmony. East gate name Donghuamen, west gate name Xihuamen, north gate name Shenwu Gate.

The Imperial Palace in Beijing is one of the largest and best preserved ancient wooden structures in the world.

The Imperial Palace in Beijing is a national AAAAA tourist attraction.

In 1961, the Imperial Palace in Beijing was listed as one of the first national key cultural relics protection sites.

The Forbidden City in Beijing was listed as a World cultural Heritage in 1987.
















The imperial palace is the largest and most complete imperial palace in China, is the most magnificent ancient architectural complex in the world, has a history of nearly 600 years.

The Forbidden City is China's Ming and qing dynasties 24 of the emperor's palace, the palace construction layout can be divided into the outer court and the imperial palace. The outer court is the place where the emperor held a ceremony and summoned the minister.

Which building is the hall of supreme harmony, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace, the three main halls of the mandarin house and hall of martial valor is divided on both sides. Imperial palace is the emperor to handle daily affairs and the harem concubines and young prince live, play, in the place of god.












注:刺绣 embroidery





1. 传统文化与现代文明的关系

2. 民俗、民风、民族特色

3. 文化担当与自信

4. 文化传承与传播


1. Lantern Festival 元宵节

2. Embroidery 刺绣

3. Double-Ninth Festival 重阳节

4. Tomb Sweeping Day 清明节

5. paper cutting 剪纸

6. Siheyuan/Quadrangle 四合院

7. Warring States 战国

8. Kunqu Opera 昆曲

9. Flower Drum Song 花鼓戏

10. Confucian culture 儒家文化

11. Chinese knotting 中国结

12. hot pot 火锅

13. South Regions of the Yangtze River 江南

14. Tang Poetry 唐诗

15. Tang Dynasty 唐朝

16. Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

17. lunar calendar 农历

18. the Palace Museum 故宫博物院

19. traditional Chinese festivals 中国传统节日

20. protecting traditional Chinese culture 保护中国传统文化

21. the four great inventions of ancient China 中国古代四明

22. The Book of Songs/Classic of Poetry 《诗经》

23. Records of the Grand Historian 《史记》

24.The Story of the Stone 《红楼梦》

25. Journey to the West 《西游记》


Protecting Traditional

Chinese Culture

Protecting traditional Chinese culture is of great importance to China's cultural diversity, economic prosperity, and social development. The in Guangdong province has made it their mission to protect Chaoju (潮剧), a local form of drama that began in Chaozhou in eastern Guangdong.

In my opinion, specific measures should be taken to protect traditional Chinese culture. To start with, we should make ropriate laws for everyone to follow. Also, we should educate people about the need to protect traditional culture. The more the public knows about it, the more support we can get.

It's time that we start treasuring our own valuable culture.



1. 科技创新的作用

2. 科技改变生活

3. 科技对民族、国家发展的作用


1. innovation 创新

2. science科学

3. technology 技术

4. shopping

5. high-speed railway 高铁

6. artificial intelligence(AI) 人工智能

7. big data 大数据

8. ability to innovate 创新能力

9. scientific and technological innovation 科技创新

10. scientific and technological progress 科学技术进步

11. modernization of science and technology 科学技术现代化

12. he a major influence on politics, the economy, and society 对政治、经济、社会有重要影响


The development of science and technology has brought about many changes in people's lives.

Modern technology makes life more convenient. Using the Internet is popular nowadays. Years ago, people had to look through a lot of information just to buy what they wanted. It was easy for people to spend too much time doing research and become tired as a result. Now, all you he to do is use the Internet. It's a piece of cake!

With the development of science and technology, including high-speed transportation, video phones, and webcam meetings, the world has become smaller and smaller.

We all hope that modern technology will continue to reach the highest level, because science and technology make life more enjoyable indeed.








1. economy 经济

2. development 发展

3. prosperity 繁荣

4. communicate with parents efficiently 和父母更高效地交流








位于山西省中部的平遥古城是一座只有2700多年历史的文化名城。平遥古城遥古城始建于西周宣王时期(前 827一前782)自公元前221年,秦实行“郡县制”以来,平遥城一直是县治所在地,一直延续至今。平遥古城历尽沧桑,但自明清以来的六白多年间,平遥城市面积和布局基本末变,成为迄今为止国内保存最完整的一座明清时期的古代县城.




















中英双语话中国旅游 第27期:平遥古城自然概况(上).可可英语[引用时间2017-12-20]

我需要阆中古城的一个景点的英文导游词 谢谢了

Langzhong ancient city is located in the northeastern margin of the Sichuan basin, the middle reaches of the Jialing River, Langzhong City, "5A" scenic area of 4.59 square kilometers, the city's core area of 2 square kilometers. As of 2015, the city has 2300 years of history of ancient Shu, the Pakistani military town.

The ancient city of Langzhong a zhangfei, Yongan temple, Wulong temple, Tengwang Pilion, the temple of the goddess of mercy, Ba Ba temple, Buddhist temple, North Sichuan Road Gongyuan, 8 national key cultural relics protection units; Shao Jia Wan tombs, writing style tower, Shishi view cliff statues, Thor hole cliff statues, ox King cliff hole like, red Fourth Army General Political Department of the site, Huaguang building, 22 provincial cultural relics protection units.

In February 2010, Langzhong was awarded the title of "Chinese Spring Festival Culture". In September 2013, the ancient city of Langzhong was roved as a national 5A grade scenic spot.






Bozhou is a national famous historical and cultural city and one of

China's excellent tourist cities. It is a very famous tourist

attraction, such as Cao Cao's military transportation road, flower

theater, moral palace, Cao's clan tombs, Hua Zuan, etc.


Cao Cao's underground troop transportation road is located under the

main streets in the old city of Bozhou, with a length "underground Great Wall". The tunnel extends

in all directions and has a complex structure. It has four forms:

one-way road, turning Road, parallel double road and upper and lower

two-story road.


It is equipped with military facilities such as cat hole, barrier wall,

leg tripping board and trap, as well as auxiliary facilities such as

vent hole, Messenger hole and lantern. Cao Cao used tunnel tactics many

times to win the war.


Located in the North pass of Bozhou City, Huaxi building, with a

construction area of 3163.1 square meters, is a national key cultural

relics protection unit. The theater was originally a stage of the great

emperor temple. It is named for its gorgeous carvings and colorful


花戏楼位于亳州城北关,建筑面积3163.1平方米,是全国重点文物 保护单位。戏楼本来是大帝庙的一座舞台。因上面雕刻彩绘绚丽夺目而得名。

Welcome friends at home and abroad to Bozhou.



The Great Wall

The Great Wall runs across North China like a huge dragon, It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It's the longest wall on the earth, also one of the wonders in the world.

The Great Wall has a history of more than 2000 years. The first part was built during the Spring and Autumn Period. All the walls were joined up in Qin Dynasty.All tile work was done by hand. Thousands of people died while building the wall.Thus the Great Wall came into existence.

Since then, it has been rebuilt and repaired many times. Now the Great Wall,the admiration of the world, has taken on a new look. It's visited by large numbers of people from all parts'of the'country and the world.





 英语作文  你有一个外国朋友要来中国,请你介绍中国几处景点并说明理由


Dear friends, do you want to know about Xi'an?_o you want to visit Xi'an with your parents on May Day and national day?_ell you, to Xi'an tourism, is your best choice!_o, listen to me first.


Xi'an, the capital city of Shaanxi Province, was historically called Chang'an._t is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world, and has a history of more than 3100 years since its construction.


It used to be the capital of 12 dynasties in ancient China;_he famous Silk Road began here;_he famous Tang Monk's pilgrimage to the West also started from here;_t is currently the largest city in Northwest China.


The biggest feature of Xi'an is that there are many historical relics and places of interest._s soon as you enter Xi'an, you will see the largest and best preserved ancient city wall of Ming Dynasty in the world._he city wall has a history of more than 630 years.


It is 12 meters high and 3-6 meters thick than the height, which looks very magnificent._he city wall divides the ancient city into two parts: the city and the outside._he most famous tourist attractions in the city are bell tower, Drum Tower and stele forest museum;_utside the city are the big wild goose pagoda, the small wild goose pagoda and the largest Shaanxi History Museum in China.


The bell tower is located in the center of Xi'an. It is our landmark building in Xi'an. When it comes to the bell tower, people will think of Xi'an;_hen it comes to Xi'an, people will also think of the bell tower.


Both the bell tower and the drum tower are named after the big bell and drum placed in ancient times. It is said that the big bell placed on the bell tower is more than 5 tons!



Kaifeng, referred to as "Bian", was called Bianzhou, Bianliang and Bianjing in ancient times.


It is a prefecture-level city in Henan Province and one of the central cities in the core area of China's Central Plains Urban Agglomeration roved by the State Council.


Kaifeng is located in central China, the east of Henan Province, the hinterland of the Central Plains, the shore of the Yellow River, and adjacent to Zhengzhou in the west.


It is one of the first national historical and cultural cities with a history of more than 4,100 years.


There was the Xia Dynasty and the Warring States Period of Wei.


During the Five Dynasties, the Later Liang, Later Jin, Later Han, Later Zhou, Song and Jin established their capitals here, which is known as the ancient capital of the Eight Dynasties.


杭州的旅游景点英文介绍 杭州旅游景点英文名


Title: Datang Everbright City

不夜城(Datang Everbright City)is a large-scale cultural tourism scenic spot located in Xi'an City, China. The theme of the scenic spot is based on the prosperous Tang dynasty, which is a glorious period of China's history.

The scenic spot is divided into eight major areas, each with its own unique attractions and landscape style. Tourists can experience the magnificent culture and history of the Tang dynasty through a variety of static and dynamic displays, cultural performances, and historical shows.

One of the most popular attractions is the Tang Palace, which showcases the grandeur and luxury of the royal Tang Palace, as well as cultural and artistic displays from the Tang dynasty. The Da Yan Pagoda is another must-see attraction, which is a towering architectural masterpiece that represents the wisdom and power of ancient China.

In addition to the cultural attractions, Datang Everbright City also offers a variety of entertainment facilities, including a water park, an amusement park, and a light and sound show.

If you want to immerse yourself in the rich and colorful culture of the ancient Tang dynasty, Datang Everbright City is definitely a place worth visiting.


不夜城(Datang Everbright City)是位于中国西安市的一个大型文化旅游景区。景区的主题基于繁荣的唐朝,这是中国历史上辉煌的时期。







1,Dream north street

North street dream is one of the famous scenic spots of west lake. Beishan street starts

from huancheng west road in the eastlingyin road in the west, west lake in the south and

gem mountain in the north.



2,Meijiawu tea culture village

Meijiawu tea culture village, located in the west hinterland of hangzhou west lake scenic

area, south of meiling tunnelalong the two sides of meiling road as long as ten miles,

known as "ten miles meiwu", is one of the west lake longjing tea protection area and the

main producing area.



3,Santai mountain scenic spot

Santai mountain scenic area is a combination of zhejiang mountain and jiangnan waterside

scenery, it is the core of bath lake scenic areaeast by yanggong causeway, west by santai

mountain road, north to turtle pool scenic area, south to hupao road.



4,Yang dike kageyuki

Yang di jingxing is one of the famous scenic spots in west lake. Yang gong causeway from

the north and south of the fifth bridge, remote south peakthree taishan, after the southern

song dynasty to the Ming dynasty, because there is a nearby sanxian temple, because of

the collection of virtuous here so the name of the bridge "jingxing".



5,Wan Song put

Wansong shuyuan is a scenic spot mainly composed of wansong academy, which is located

on the wansong ridge in the southeast of hangzhou city, zhejiang province.




西湖十景 Ten Views of the West Lake

断桥残雪 Melting Snow at Broken Bridge

平湖秋月 Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake

曲院风荷 Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard

双峰插云 Twin peaks piercing Clouds

苏堤春晓 Spring Dawn at Su Causeway

三潭印月 Three pools mirroring the moon

花港观鱼 Viewing Fish at flower harbor

南屏晚钟 Evening bell at Nanping hill

雷峰夕照 Sunset glow at Leifeng pagoda

柳浪闻莺Orioles singing in the willows

新西湖十景 Ten New Views of the West Lake

宝石流霞 Precious stone hill floating in rosy clouds

黄龙吐翠Yellow Dragon ce dressed in green

满垅桂雨Sweet osmanthus rain at Mannjuelong

虎跑梦泉 Dream of the tiger spring

九溪烟树 Nine creeks in misty forest

龙井问茶 Enjoying tea at dragon well

云栖竹径 Bamboo-lined path at Yunqi

玉皇飞云 Flying clouds over jade Emperor hill

吴山天风 Sky wind over Wu Hill

阮墩环碧 Ruan Gong islet submerged in greenery

孤山 Solitary hill

楼外楼 LOU wailou restaurant

西泠印社Xiling Seal-Engrers’ Society

西泠桥和苏小小墓 Xiling bridge and Su xiaoxiao tomb

岳飞庙和墓 Yue Fei’s temple and his tomb

杭州花圃 Hangzhou flower nursery

杭州植物园 Hangzhou botanical garden

玉泉Jade spring

灵峰探梅 Visiting Lingfeng for plum bolssoms

灵隐寺 Lingyin Temple

杨公堤 Yang Gong causeway

郭庄 Guo’s villa

涌金池 YOngjin pool

钱王祠 King Qian’s temple

长桥 Long bridge

六和塔 Six harmonies pagoda( Liuhe pagoda)

bore-watching 看潮、Qiantang Tide 钱塘潮

Dragon Well tea 龙井茶

Tea-picking 茶

Tea House 茶

Hangzhou dishes 杭帮菜

Silk city 丝绸城

Hu Xueyan’s Former Residence 胡雪岩故居

The Street of clothes for women in Wulin Road 武林路女装街

Yellow Dragon Sports Center 黄龙体育中心


West Lake Hangzhou is located in the western area of Hangzhou City's historic center. There are dozens of lakes called West Lake worldwide, but "West Lake" usually refers to the Hangzhou West Lake. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with an area of around 6.5 square kilometers. The circumference is around 15 kilometers.

West Lake is famous for Bai, Yang and Su Causeway.


Introduction pierce the scenic West Lake in Hangzhou, south of the Five Dock Yunqi, the Hollywood landscape of wooded hills, Bamboo-shaded, streams Ding Dong. very cool. Penny Yunxi one kilometer long track flanked by Bamboo-shaded, meandering paths depth murmur Qingxi according trails, Jiao graceful blend of birds from the forest out, and the whole environment was quiet cool and downtown, particularly Health and fitness feel relaxed. Shuangxin excitement. 杭州西湖风景简介 位于五云山南麓的云栖坞里,为林木茂盛的山坞景观,翠竹成荫,溪流叮咚,清凉无比。长 一公里的云栖竹径,两旁翠竹成荫,小径蜿蜒深入,潺潺清溪依径而下,娇婉动听的鸟声自 林中传出,整个环境幽静清凉,与闹市相比,格外使人感到恰适轻松,爽心悦目。 _est Lake Lying in Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province, the West Lake is a world famous tourist spot. Embraced by green hills on three sides, the lake covers an area of5.6 square kilometers and has a perimeter of 15_ilometers. The whole lake is divided into5_ections, namely the Outer Lake, North Inner Lake, Yue Lake and Little South Lake, by Gu Hill, Sudi Causeway, Baiti Causeway and Ruangong Mound. The name of West Lake was fixed as early as the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Before the Tang Dynasty, the lake had various names such as Wulin Water, Mingsheng Lake, Jinzhong Lake, Longchuan, Qianyuan, Qiantang Lake, and Shang Lake, etc. In the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the Chinese renowned poet Su Dongpo wrote a poem to praise the West Lake and compared it to Xizi, a Chinese legendary beauty. Since then, the West Lake has another elegant name Xizi Lake. The beauty of the West Lake lies in its lingering charm that survives the change of seasons in a year and of hours in a day. Among its beautiful sights, the most famous sites are the Ten Sights in West Lake and the Ten New Sights in West Lake, which are known as the Double-Ten Sights in West Lake. The Ten Sights in West Lake are Melting Snow at Broken Bridge(断桥残雪), Spring Dawn at Sudi Causeway(苏堤春晓), Sunset Glow over Leifeng Hill(雷峰夕照), Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard(曲苑风荷), Autumn Moon on Calm Lake(平湖秋月), Listening to Orioles Singing in the Willows(柳浪闻莺), Viewing Fish at Flowers Harbor(花港观鱼), Evening Bell at Nanping Hill(南屏晚钟), Three Pools Mirroring the Moon(三潭印月), and Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds(双峰插云). The Ten New Sights in West Lake are Dream Spring of Hupao(虎 跑梦泉), Tea-tasting at Dragon Well(龙井问茶), Gem Bathed in Flowing Rosy Clouds (宝石流 霞), Heen Wind over Wushan Mountain(吴山天风), Scud over Yuhuang(玉皇飞云), Yellow Dragon Spitting Greenness(黄龙吐翠), Rains of Sweet-scented Osmanthus Over Hills (满陇桂雨), Trees in Mist by the Nine Rivulets (九溪烟树), Ruan Mound in Green(阮墩环碧), Cloud Dwelling and Bamboo Path (云栖竹径). The West Lake is also famous for its historical flor with numerous celebrities. National heroes Yue Fei, Yu Qian, Zhang Ruoshui and Qiu Jin were all buried along the West Lake, leing their illustrious names and noble spirits in the green hills and blue waters. Moreover, many ancient poets and artists, such as Bai Juyi, Su Dongpo, Liu Yong and Pan Tianshou, had also left countless famous writings.

Hangzhou is one of the important tourism cities in China, famous for its natural beauty and historical and cultural heritages. Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province. It is the political, economic and cultural center of the province as well. It is one of the 15_ice-provincial level cities in China. Hangzhou is located on the low reaches of Qiantang river in southeast China, with a distance of 180 kilometers to Shanghai. It is one of the key cities in the Yangzi Delta area. Hangzhou is of suropical monsoon climate, with distinctive four seasons and mild atmosphere and forable geographical positions and natural conditions. Hangzhou has 6 districts, 2 counties and5_ounty-level municipalities under its jurisdiction. Hangzhou covers a total area of 16596 square kilometers, with a population of 6.08 million, including 683 square kilometers of city proper area and city population of 1.69 million people . Hangzhou is one of the cradles of Chinese civilization. The human being had lived and prospered in this land4700 years ago, which is called "Liangzhu Culture". Hangzhou had once been the capitals of Wu and Yue kingdoms of Five Dynasties during the 10th Century and capital of Southern Song Dynasty during the 12-13th Century. It is one of the seven ancient Chinese capitals, famous for its historical and cultural heritages. The city has a history of more than 2200 years since it was established as a county by the First Emperor Qing.


The discovery of ancient human fossils at wuguidong site in Hangzhou confirmed that there were ancient human beings living on the land of Hangzhou 50000 years ago. The excation of Xiaoshan cross Lake Bridge site confirmed that there were modern human beings living here as early as 8000 years ago.


It is said that when Xia Yu controlled the flood, the whole country was divided into Kyushu, and the vast area to the south of the Yangtze River was generally called Yangzhou. In the 21st century B.C., during the southern tour of Xia Yu, the princes of the general assembly, Yu Kuaiji (now Shaoxing), once sailed here by boat and ge up their Hangzhou (the "hang" is the ark) here, hence the name "Yuhang".









West Lake, located in the west of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Prov


Guilin Overview

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Guilin is a beautiful landscape and cultural heritage to the many features of the landscape as the main cities and historical and cultural city tour. Guilin karst landforms of the most developed, the most typical area ces, thousands of Shi Feng, Wu Tong, the size of hundreds, during the open valley flat and hilly plains uprooted, Koho, Nagareizumi, peak-cluster, peaks ring cloth, Lijiang River flows in accordance with the mountain, the river for the continents, between a dangerous shoals, Nagareizumi, waterfalls, is the essence of Guilin is located, forming a San-ching, Shui Sau, Dong Qi, Shi-US "Guilin landscape." Guilin is a historic and cultural city, and even in modern times from the Han to Qing dynasties he left a splendid cultural heritage, such as Xing ling qu, Gongcheng Confucian Temple and so on, heritage rich heritage within the urban area A total of 552, is listed as heritage preservation at all levels, units of 117, including five national-level, autonomous regions and level 23, city (county) level 89. Jingjiang Palace and the Mausoleum, former residence of Li Tsung-jen, and the official residence of the former site of the Eighth Route Army Office of the State Council roved in Guilin national key cultural relics protection units. These cultural relics, there is a very high literary, historical, artistic value and reciation value. The natural landscape and cultural landscape in harmony, both seamless and mutually embraced. City, in King, the King in the city, city scene blending.

Guilin tourism resources quantity, scenic wide geographic mix is good, the whole tourist area of Guilin Guilin as the core to the surrounding radiation, showing the distribution of spheres, radius of an area of up to 2 square kilometers. According to scenic features can be divided into six scenic areas: the Guilin - Li River - Yangshuo area, Xing ling qu scenic, scenic mountains MAOERSHAN, Longsheng Huaping scenic forests, oceans - a noble ginkgo forest area, Qingshitan reservoir scenic area. Guilin has been the State Council in 19 as a socialist scenic tour of the city in 1982 as the State Department announced the first batch of 24 historical and cultural city in 1985, at the national top ten scenic raisal activity "Guilin scenery" ranked second. In 1986, Guilin has been the State Council roved the building as the nation's seven major tourist cities. In 1991, "China's tourist attractions 40 good" selection in the second was awarded to Total "to the natural landscape-based tourist attraction." In 19 was listed as one of four cities in China tourism. Guilin Li River scenic area in 1998 was named "Top Ten demonstration sites civilized tourist area", the same year the first batch of Guilin selected "China Excellent Tourism City." 19 - 2000, Guilin, for four consecutive years in 46 major cities nationwide comprehensive environmental control in the quantitative assessment ranked first, were foreign tourists and the related environmental experts hailed as a model for sustainable tourism development. In recent years, Guilin large-scale urban construction, the formation of a new city buildings, new urban landscape, the new urban style, Guilin City, a modern international tourist city and reveal a new style, greatly enhanced the attractiveness of Guilin city tourism, Urban has become the largest open area, city tourism to become a new highlight in Guilin tourism development. Location: 1, Location: Guilin is a world famous tourist city and the historical and cultural city, is located southwest Nanling Mountains, northeast of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 109 ° 45'-104 ° 40 ', latitude 24 ° 18' -25 ° 41 '. 2, administrative divisions: jurisdiction Xiufeng, Elephant Hill, Seven Star, Die Cai, Yanshan five urban and Lingchuan, Xing, Jeonju, Lingui, Yangshuo, Pingle, Lipu, Longsheng, Yongfu, Gongcheng, resources, irrigation Yang 12 counties, administrative regions a total area of 27,809 square kilometers. In which the urban area is 565 square kilometers. City History: Guilin has a long history. According to the Urban Maharatnakuta Zengpiyan rocks and artifacts found in the ce, after research, he entered Zengpiyan matriarchal society stage, about ten thousand years ago.

Xia Shang Zhou period, here is "Bai Yue" people's place of residence. Emperor set Guilin, elephant, the South China Sea Tri-County, which is "Guilin" the name originated, but Gunji not on today's Guilin. Han Yuanding six years (111 years BC), where the County is located only attached Lingling Jingzhou County. When the change is only an Eastern Han Hou. When the first case of the Three Kingdoms Shu Wu after the return. Mannan first year (265 years), set before the beginning Agu County, County Seat of Guilin are in today. Sui and Tang dynasties, when the is Lingnan Gui Zhou Zongguan. Tang Takenori four years (621 years), Li Jing Xiu city in the south Duxiu Peak. Zhenguan eight years (634 years) was renamed Lingui, belong to Guizhou before Agu. Photochemical three years (900 years), when they belong to Jing Jiang Jie Du. The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, when the South-han Chu has an Guizhou. SONG Shi, the former belong to the road southwest Guizhou, the latter is a static River House. Yuan is a quiet river road in Guangxi executive secretariat. Guilin, Guangxi province, Ming and Qing dynasties, when are the . In Guangxi province, when an. Renamed in 1914, Guilin Prefecture, beginning in 1940 set up Guilin. From November 1944 to July 1945 28, as the Japanese occupation. After the retrocession of the Guangxi provincial cities remained. A long history of the provincial capital of Guangxi.

November 22, 1949 Guilin, liberation, Guangxi Province, municipality, in 1958 was renamed the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guilin, Guilin urban and suburban jurisdiction. September 8, 1998 by the State Council, Guilin, and Guilin area merged to form a new Guilin. Climate conditions: Guilin is located in low latitude, belong to the suropical monsoon climate. Within the mild climate, abundant rainfall, long frost-free period, light enough, heat is rich in a short summer and long winter, four seasons and basic with hot rainy season, weather conditions is extremely advantageous. The annual erage temperature is 18.9 C. In August the hottest, the mean temperature of 23 C, 1 Yue of the most cold month mean temperature of 15.6 C. The annual erage frost-free period 309 days, the annual erage rainfall is 1949.5 millimeters. The erage evaporation of 1490 ~ 1905 millimeters. Annual erage relative humidity of 73 ~ 79%. Throughout the year winds to northerly winds dominated, with an erage wind speed of 2.2 ~ 2.7 meters / sec. Annual erage sunshine time of 1670 hours. The erage atmospheric pressure of 994.9 hPa. Population: 4.76 million total population of Guilin, of which the urban population of 603.5 thousand people. The natural population growth rate of 0.42% and a population density of 171 persons per square kilometer. National: Guilin is a multi-ethnic areas, there are 680,000 ethnic minority people, accounting for 14% of the total population. In addition to Han, the total of 36 ethnic minorities, mainly Zhuang, Yao, Hui, Miao and Dong ethnic groups. Native products: Guilin there are many staple: pomelo fruit great shape the United States, fleshy fragrance, famous; Valencia Orange high quality, color flor the United States, and mature early, very popular; Mangos is a "health care of the medicine, soft drinks of the Jiapin ", known as" Oriental fruit of God "; ginkgo large output, accounting for one-third of the country, the quality ranks first in the country; persimmon golden in color, the meat sweet incense, best-selling Australia, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia; Lipu-taro big wei shiang, reputation capital; 3 Huajiu, hot pepper paste, fermented bean curd known as "Guilin Sambo"; Guilin rice noodle ingredients aroma, taste delicious, especially in winter, the most praised listed horsemeat noodles; In addition, there horseshoe, lotus fish, yuba and other famous local product. Today, Guilin: After a large-scale urban construction and transformation, Guilin has shown a modern international tourist city of the new look; bright wide accessibility of roads and bridges, row upon row, scattered in buildings caused by construction, set sightseeing, leisure and shopping in one of the Tourist commercial district, garden green belt around the city ...... these are added to Guilin infinite glory. The "two rivers and four lakes" project communication and a huge water system around the city. It not only optimizes the city's ecological environment, and has become a new highlight in Guilin scenic tour; in the country took the lead of the "toilet revolution", according to construction standards, "star", the public going to the toilet all free of charge, completely relieved the visitors worry; in The first set a precedent in the country opened a free public buses and 4A scenic toll-free cars, for pedestrians to provide more convenient, but also improve urban quality.





桂林旅游数量多、景区广、地域组合好,整个大桂林旅游区以桂林市为核心向四周辐射,呈圈层分布,方圆面积达2万多平方公里。根据景区特色,大致可划分为六大景区:即桂林——漓江——阳朔山水景区、兴安灵渠景区、猫儿山高山景区、龙胜花坪原始森林景区、海洋——高尚银杏林景区、青狮潭水库景区。 19年桂林被院定为社会主义风景游览城市,1982年列为院公布的首批24个历史文化名城,1985年,在全国十大风景名胜评比活动中“桂林山水”名列第二。1986年,桂林市被院批准列为全国七个旅游重点建设城市之一。1991年,在“中国旅游胜地四十佳”评选中以总分第二被评为“以自然景观为主的旅游胜地”。19年被列为中国旅游年四大城市之一。1998年桂林漓江景区被评为“十佳文明风景旅游区示范点”,同年桂林市首批入选“中国优秀旅游城市”。19年--2000年,桂林连续四年在全国46座重点城市环境综合整治定量考核中名列第一,被国内外游客和有关环保专家称赞为旅游业可持续发展的典范。近几年,桂林大规模的城市建设,形成了新的城市建筑、新的城市景观、新的城市风貌,桂林城崭露出现代化国际旅游城市的新风,大大增强了桂林城市旅游的吸引力,市区已成为最大的开放式景区,城市旅游成为桂林旅游发展的新亮点。地理位置: 1、地理位置:桂林是世界著名的风景旅游城市和历史文化名城,地处南岭山系西南部,广西壮族自治区东北部,109°45'-104°40',北纬24°18'-25°41'。 2、行政区划:辖秀峰,象山,七星,叠彩,雁山5城区和灵川,兴安,全州,临桂,阳朔,平乐,荔浦,龙胜,永福,恭城,,灌阳12个县,行政区域总面积27809平方公里。其中市区面积565平方公里。城市历史:桂林历史悠久。根据市区宝积岩和甑皮岩洞穴发现的遗物,经考证,甑皮岩人已进入母系氏族社会阶段,距今约一万年。


1949年11月22日桂林解放,为广西省辖市,1958年改称广西壮族自治区桂林市,辖桂林城区和郊区。1998年9月8日经院批准,桂林市和桂林地区合并,组建新的桂林市。气候条件:桂林地处低纬,属中亚热带季风气候。境内气候温和,雨量充沛,无霜期长,光照充足,热量丰富,夏长冬短,四季分明且雨热基本同季,气候条件十分优越。年平均气温为18·9 C。8月最热,月平均气温为23 C,1月最冷,月平均气温15·6 C。年平均无霜期309天,年平均降雨量1949·5毫米。平均蒸发量1490~1905毫米。年平均相对湿度为73~79%。全年风向以偏北风为主,平均风速为2·2~2·7米/秒。年平均日照时数为1670小时。平均气压为994·9百帕。人口:桂林市总人口476万人,其中市区人口60.35万人。人口自然增长率为0.42%,人口密度为每平方公里171人。民族:桂林是一个多民族地区,有少数民族68万人,占总人口的14%。除汉族外,共有36个少数民族,主要有壮、瑶、回、苗、侗等民族。土特产品:桂林有很多名产:沙田柚果大形美,肉质清香,驰名中外;夏橙品质优良,色鲜味美,且成熟早,很畅销;罗汉果乃“医疗保健之良药,清凉饮料之佳品”,被誉为“东方神果”;白果产量大,占全国的三分之一,质量居全国之首;月柿色泽金黄,肉甜味香,畅销澳、港和东南亚地区;荔浦芋个大味香,享誉京城;三花酒、辣椒酱、豆腐乳被誉为“桂林三宝”;桂林米粉配料芳香,味道鲜美,尤以冬季上市的马肉米粉最受称赞;此外还有马蹄、荷花鱼、腐竹等名优土特产。今日桂林: 经过大规模的城市建设与改造,桂林已展现出现代化国际旅游城市的新貌;亮阔通达的道路与桥梁,鳞次栉比,错落的致的楼房建筑,集观光、休闲、购物于一体的旅游商业街区,遍布全市的园林绿化带......这些都为桂林山水增添了无穷的光彩。“两江四湖”工程沟通了一个庞大的环城水系。它不仅优化了城市的生态环境,而且成为桂林游览景区的新亮点;在全国率先进行的“厕所革命”,建设标准按“星级”,公众入厕全免费,彻底解除了游人的后顾之忧;在全国首开先河地开通了免费公益公交车和4A景区免费专线车,为行人提供了更多的方便,同时也提高了城市品位。

北海景区 泉景区 玉屏景区 松谷景区 云谷景区 白云景区

猴子观海 梦笔生花 仙人下棋 犀牛望月 金鸡叫天门 孔雀戏莲花

North Sea area

Stephen area

Yu-Ping area

Pine Valley area

Cloud Valley Scenic Spot

White Cloud area

View of the sea monkeys

Dream flower pen

Fairy chess

Mochizuki rhinoceros

Golden Gate called days

Peacock Lotus show.